What is the Best Way to Get Divorced?

Do I get a Lawyer? A Mediator? Should I do it by Myself?

By Vivian L. Holley, JD, MA, CFLS, MFT

The “best way” to divorce is to find a process which results in peace for yourself and your family – your children and your about-to-be former spouse!

Looking back over 36 years of  experience in divorce mediation and litigation, I can say that as difficult as it may seem at the time when emotions are running high, that “winning” or getting your way on all the issues is not usually the path to lasting happiness or peace and most importantly the respect and trust of your children, so get a .free divorce consultation for your case.

Over and over we hear from former clients and their spouses if I represented one side that the best decision they ever made was to stop fighting.  Even when litigation has spanned over many years, reaching a peace and an end to the strife is best for everyone.  Just ask my husband who happened to find himself playing tennis with the ex -spouse of the wife of his good friend.  Both sides have confided in him how much life has improved now that the many years of bitterness and quarreling and court actions are over.  By walking away from insisting on his positions, the father now has everything he wants and the children are free to come and go and see him as they all please, or he can drive them in the car, and for such issues like accidents or such, the use of  Accident lawyers in Richmond are useful in these cases.

How do you go about finding the best process to reach a peaceful resolution? In this blog series I will set out the different processes to choose from.  But most importantly, I suggest to my clients that they listen carefully to their spouse and try to see the issue from of their spouse’s point of view.   Elvis once said “You can’t walk in another man’s shoes”, but you can sure try to see it their way! Everyone can try to hear and imagine what is important to their spouse and why and then determine if it is really more important to take that away,  or can you let them have it and, in return, have a chance of building back a little of the trust and respect that has been lost, and this work for any type of legal separation, although for other issues as injuries getting help from a personal injury lawyer ask 4 sam could be of real help.

In this series I will be outlining how four different divorce processes work and you can decide which might work for your situation.  Luckily, you can use more than one method – so if the first doesn’t work, you can try another!  And, you can jump forward or back depending upon your needs and the level of communication and trust you have with your spouse.  The Law and Mediation Offices of Vivian L. Holley is prepared to help you with any of these choices.  Contact us for more information and a free consultation.
Source: https://www.hornsbywatson.com/personal-injury/tractor-trailer-accidents

One thought on “What is the Best Way to Get Divorced?

  1. Carla Hill says:

    I read your comments about the resent case of Anna Woosley in 2013 regarding stipulated mediation agreements and the decision which has added mediation into the alternative resolution areas, and thus allowed them to not comply with the statutory law of Family Code of 2104, 2015. I believe this is like adding liberality to excuse law and will add more and more errors and unfair results. I would discourage anyone from going to mediation now with these terms. The public is not educated to the laws, and procedures prior to going to these meetings and are thus at a disadvantage. Mediators and attorneys are not all loyal, educated, and trusting to take on these meetings and make fair assessments. I myself have learned from experience. It does not matter if you have a “good” mediator, or one with a lot of knowledge either. As well as it has not been stressed and should that marriages that are unequal in power and have domestic violence should not go into a mediation situation. Had all the laws been presented prior to a mediation, maybe one should be held more to it, but that is never the case, as well most the attorneys and judges do not understand all the laws, but clients are held to it.
    It is better to go to the court whom is at least liable to make a 50% division.
    Few going to mediation are prepared and stating prior that they don’t want 50% at least.

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